"Pennies from Heaven" assemblage by Christina Jarmolinski
"Pennies from Heaven" is being shown until Saturday, 6/23/2012 at Sydney&Bern Art Center in Fort Myers, Florida.. It was a juried show, in which I showed 2 art works of mine....... This mixed-media is created with real pennies and puzzle pieces, painted with acrylics and coated with Resin.............The Frame is part of this art work. It was lots of fun creating and having the pennies flow into the upside-down to catch them....... It was a juried show, in which I showed 2 art works of mine....... Price: $ 2800
Post date: 06/22/2012 - 17:29
Statue in the Park
This is a statue I found in a park in Munich, Germany. This painting in art shows or on Face Book, Twitter etc. I get lots of positive comments................... Price: 650- SOLD
Post date: 06/22/2012 - 17:15
Fun in my studio..............
A conglomerate of items I work with in my studio............
Post date: 06/22/2012 - 17:11
I just finished this painting and Lakshmi is viewing it!........................ ...For the past month it is being shown at Act Gallery in Fort Myers, Florida
Post date: 06/22/2012 - 17:05
Queenie in the Spotlight
This is a collag e of many of my Art Jewlery creations. Queenie in the Spotlight shines over the rest.....I found This "Queenie" at an antique dealer in Fort Myers.
Post date: 06/10/2012 - 18:05
"Lady with Sunhat"
This "Lady with Sunhat" was part of my Art Show "Tropical Expressionism..... She is very delicate, despite her size. Price: 2800
Post date: 06/01/2012 - 12:19